Sunday, July 24, 2011

Princess Pinky and The Fairy Swing

And now for something pretty and magical!
She stops me in my tracks when I walk past the front window, hair streaming behind her, bare feet kicked up high, singing and smiling.
Her big papa cut her a piece of red oak, sanded it smooth and affixed it with rope to the strongest tree branch.
We are going to wind lights around the tree trunk and make recycled fairy flowers to hang from the branches.
We'll keep you posted!


  1. What more could a young girl want---except maybe some cake. She's darling, dressed all in pink, bare feet, and smiling.

  2. She's gorgeous, what a wonderful thing to do!

  3. Your daughter is a sweet, glowing little girl. But your words to express your thoughts are so touching and you can just feel the love you have for her, so nice getting to know you and your family.

  4. there's something more magical about a swing in a tree..

  5. magical indeed... everyone should know the feeling of freedom - the air blowing into your face and through your hair... the zen like motion of a rocking swing... sounds perfect... and the details are ones she is sure to never forget...

  6. Oh my, that is the coolest swing ever! I love the vines! She's such a beauty and a pretty darn good assistant, too! ;)

  7. She does look like the prettiest fairy princess there ever was! She is soooo sweet!

  8. How magical! Daughters are so precious - enjoy every minute!

  9. This is gorgeous. I want a fairy swing!! An underneath a palm tree. Divine. - Kathy

  10. Can you adopt me? I would have SO loved to have my own fairy bower! You should check out the fairy bower that Miss Vanessa Valencia has at A Fanciful Twist. Your girl will need all sorts of accoutrements and will have so much fun! You are a delight and that Princess Pinky is beautiful!
    Enjoy the day!

  11. She's such an absolutely beautiful girl (and I love the dress). If I had her hair.... sigh.

  12. What a lucky fairy princess you have!!! Sounds like she will truly enjoy her summer with her fairy wings in the tree!

  13. L.O.V.E. IT! Miss Pinkerton is adorable!

  14. A beautiful post, Shannon! I'm re-living my mother and young daughter times through you and Pinky! There were no blogs back then! You all have a lot to be thankful for in each other and it's so nice to know that you're cherishing each moment!


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