Sunday, March 8, 2009

Leontyne is staying with me for awhile

Leontyne tiptoes slowly among dark forest trees, beckoning for you to come out and join her. She is a keeper of secrets and a singer of lies. Utterly trustworthy and completely deceptive.
Tell her everything....

She has been with me for a while as I could not quite bring myself to list her in my shop.
I love her presence on my work desk, her expressive arms and hands, her pose, as if she is about to take off, flying through the air over tree tops, silhouetted against the moon.


  1. I think I would have a hard time letting go of Leontyne too. She is very different from the things I do but I think she is utterly lovely! I love her Tim Burton-esque look. Really good! :O)
    And thank you so much for the comments you left on Megan's dragon frame. I have a little girl here at home that is no bursting with pride! (And a very chuffed mum!)

  2. :) My mother's name is Leontyne. It's written a bit differently - Leontine, but the name is same.
    I'm thrilled!

  3. She is wonderful...and I love your description of her...

  4. So glad to find your blog. I like Leontyne, too!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'll be back to yours.


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