Friday, February 26, 2010

I love google analytics

I know where people are coming from, how they got there, how long they stay and where they go after me.
Google analytics has allowed me to see what advertising is paying off and what advertising needs to be broken off and left for dead. I also have a clearer idea of what keywords browsers are typing in when they find themselves face to face with me in all my weirdness.

1.) Rob Kalin Parachutes
2.) supplies sterling silver bezel pendant
3.) blue bird jewelry
and so on and so forth.....

Would you like to know how to add google analytics to your blog? I found a clear tutorial that teaches us blogger users how to set up a tracking code on our blog.
How to Add Google Analytics to Your Blogger Blog by Rose DesRochers

So simple and so fast. I love it! I love when technical, right brainers help us lefters! Thank you, Rose!

I have had google analytics on my website and etsy shop for almost 3 years. It has helped me focus tremendously and narrow down my niche. I sincerely hope you try it.


  1. oh, i love that too! and for fun, i added stats to my flickr acct - what i found out is that most people come to my acct to check out my daughter's hair coloring! oh well!! :0) i have found i put my pieces into less groups lately...

  2. I've been wanting to add google analytics for a while but, as a fellow 'leftie' was completely as to HOW to actually do it!!! So delighted to find that there is actually a user-friendly 'tutorial' to guide me through the process. Well, I have atlast broken through the 'pain barrier' and done it, and am now awaiting the reports.
    Thanks, hunnie.

  3. I also use it and it also helping me to improve my marketing.


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